Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fake Bacon Performance at Thirsty Ear 9/23/08

Thanks to Shimmy Shake's one year anniversary blowout, we had our biggest crowd yet at the Thirsty Ear. After a monster set from the Shakers, we called them up for a bunch of our games as well, making it a great night for us!!!

Set List:
1. Movie Previews
2. Time Life
3. Mega Replay
4. 3-Headed Jackhole
5. Actor's Nightmare
6. Press Conference
7. Song Lyrics
8. Oh My God, It's Senator Obama
9. Bubblegum
10. TV Genres
11. Magic 8 Ball
12 Bartender Advice
13. Old Job, New Job
14. Family Dinner
15. Da Do Ron Ron

For Goodness Sake, We Got The Hippy Hippy Shake!

  • Six Headed Jackhole! Oh yes we did!

  • Got Richard Burton spinning like a madman after what we did to his Equus

  • Good news: The Shimmy's got to play the Teletubbies in Press Conference. Bad news: They were some naughty naughty Teletubbies

  • Jason and Sophia did the Lambada during TV Genres

  • Senator Obama can help any man with his gynocological problem.

  • Jon got the GOP down pat in Bartender Advice

  • Audience member Drina's Family grew a few members as the Shimmy's joined us for Dinner

  • Erin won Da Do Ron Ron. Hey, give us back that tiara!!!

Next Set at the High Five October 7th 8:30