Set List:
1. Five Second Movie
2. Time Life
3. 3 Headed Jackhole
4. Mega Replay
5. Press Conference
6. Old Job New Job
7. Hey Joe
8. Actor's Nightmare/Ask a Mime
9. Film Strip
10. TV Genres
11. Limerick
12. Real Men of Genius
13. Da Do Ron Ron
Weird night
--The troupe, the members of Shimmy Shake and the audience all agreed--it was a weird night
--Weird fusions led to a weirder Time Life
--Those French are sure a weird culture in Film Strip
--Actor's Nightmare and Ask a Mime combined, and the weird thing was, it worked!
--Scott and Celia were so weird during Mega Replay, they didn't even play the game.
--Put Limerick back in the oven, guys, it ain't done.
--Just who was playing Angelina Jolie in Old Job, New Job? Both of you? Weird
--Mike wrapped up the night with a Da Do Ron Ron win, keeping it out of the hands of "Politics" Mark (aka Judy).
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