Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fake Bacon at Thirsty Ear August 11th

Blast of a show to a packed house, with Parlor Tricks and Shimmy Shake opening up with their hot sets, we were rarin' to go. Joined by the erstwhile Isaiah (who's going to be really erstwhile as he travels to Israel for the next year) Bacon popped with their greatest hits (Jackhole, Hey Joe) and a couple of new games including Little Voice. But it was generally agreed by the end of the show that last night's round of Film Schtrip was the best game that Bacon has ever played. Thanks to the sharp narration from Jon and a join-in from Celia and Damian, Bacon has decided to bestow the Academy award on the game. After the show, Jason was trying to figure out how many shows Bacon has performed so far, and it's in the 75 range, so we'll be looking to celebrate real soon.

Next Gig: The Summit on Sept 3rd at 10pm

Monday, August 10, 2009

Free for all at The Summit June 6th

A lot of improvers packed into The Summit for the Thursday night go round. Usual suspects included Bacons, a couple of Shimmies, a few Parlor Trickers and some FFN's coming off a great show at Madlab's Best Of Roulette. Unusual suspects (and special guests) were Pale Imitations and we were all very glad they performed a set, including some World's Worst shenanigans. After Scott from Bacon opened up a can of worms with his Demi Moore "GI Jane" imitation, things got back on track with a mixture of all groups throughout the evening. Woosley from FFN pulled off a brilliant dating game contestant as an improv coach. And Josh from FFN lead the Film Schrtripp narration for the erstwhile Jon and gave new meaning to the term "split atom." Plus Woosley manage to win Da Do Ron Ron twice in one night--a feat never before accomplished.
Next Gig: August 11th at the Thirsty Ear with Parlor Tricks and Shimmy Shake