Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fake Bacon Performance @ High Five 5/6/08

The High Five, a title we gave to the nurses in the audience, were treated to a different kind of show from the Bacon. After the Shimmey Shakers presented their 3-D set of real Broken Glass Fairies, Fake Bacon threw all the games they've ever played into a fishbowl and asked the audience to pick (along with each troupe members' name). The following set ensued:

Set List 5/6/08

1. Movie Preview
2. Song Lyrics
3. Presidential Debate
4. Onion Skin
5. K-Tel's Time-Life's Greatest Hits
6. Celebrity Advice
7. Split Screen
8. Foreign Film Dub
9. Funeral
10. ESPN
11. Family Dinner
12. Da Do Ron Ron

Gone Fishin'

  • Some old chestnuts were pulled out of the bowl, including games like Onion Skin and Funeral, which we had not played for over a year.
  • The erstwhile Isaiah made a return visit from Cincy to join us in Greatest Hits and Da Do Ron Ron
  • Nurse Esmeralda made a healthy looking corpse in Funeral.
  • Nurse Stephania showed us just how crazy her family is at Family Dinner
  • Against Jason's hopes, he was pulled for Song Lyrics and did a great job with it!
  • Against Scott's hopes, he was pulled for Split Screen and did a not so great job with it!
  • John K. is much prettier than Hilary, as many watching pointed out.
  • Mike pulled in the prize for Da Do Ron Ron, after arguing that his cousin "Tyke" really did exist.

Next gig: The Thirsty Ear, May 13th, 8:30pm