Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fake Bacon at Thirsty Ear March 10th

(Tammy Fake Bacon)

Set List March 10th

1. Fake Bacon Opera Opening

2. Five Second Movie

3. Time Life

4. Four Headed Jackhole

5. Press Conference

6. Old Job New Job

7. Hey Joe

8. Ask A Mime

9. Film Strip

10. TV. Genres

11. Actor's Nightmare

12. Hoe Down

13. Bartender Advice

14. Real Men

15. Da Do Ron Ron

We don't take a dive for no one!

  • Not only did we do a full f--kin' set, we did a twenty minute long Da Do Ron Ron (which Jason kept out of the hands of that Mama Luke Mark from "Politics.")
  • Jackhole grew a head this week. Might keep it there until he visits the barber again.
  • Jason was invited to a last minute Press Conference (and by the way, it's Tammy Faye MESSNER)
  • Gina came up for Film Strip and had our space baby.
  • Poor Jim from Hey Joe. All he wants to do is look at Miss April while listening to Billy Joel.
  • Jon C.'s feet to the fire during his opera entrance, but he came back swinging.
  • Mime vs. Clown Mime
  • Bartender's Advice? If you want to keep it, nail it down!

Next Gig: Thirsty Ear March 24th with Shimmy Shake.