Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fake Bacon @ Oberlin's Improv Til Your Dead 4/19/08

Long, strange trip to Oberlin College's Improv Festival over the weekend. Bacon and Shimmy Shake took the two hour trip north from Columbus and settled into their Motel 6 Amherst berths, before zipping over to the infamous Blue Sky Restaurant, where the amorous waiter brought copious amounts of food.

Made it over all bloated and just in time to catch I Eat Pandas incredible set. The creative, foxy duo had the audience going nuts for their three mini-musicals based upon, of all things, the word "penis" which was shouted out. Pandas took the high road and proved to be some of the best improv anywhere, at all.

After a Saturday chocked filled with workshops, Bacon went on at 11:30 pm. Seems like the cats had their fill of cream, cause when we were announced, you would have thought we'd changed our name to "Please Move To The Exits In A Timely Manner." Those brave few who stuck it out with us saw the following set:

1. Emo Party
2. Mega Replay
3. 3-Headed Jackhole
4. Actor's Nightmare
5. Song Lyrics
6. Bubblegum
7. Family Dinner

Bacon To Go:

  • At the Pope's Emo Party, Scott managed to truly reflect this audience's feelings for Fake Bacon
  • Mega Replay's Battle of Waterloo left us bloodied.
  • Among other things, The Jackhole was able to answer the Koan riddle "What is the sound of one hand clapping?"
  • Jason and John delivered an impassioned Actor's Nightmare, ran out of pages, and kept going anyway!
  • In Song Lyrics, Mike and Scott fell in love at the Dairy Queen with their litany of "Oldies but Never-Heardies"
  • Attack of the Orange and Plaid Stamped Lizard in Bubblegum
  • Finally, a spritely Greek student came up on stage to share some Family Dinner and had a good time with lots of "ding-ding-dings!"

At midnight, Shimmy Shake played clean-up crew with their great set, starting with some acrobatics that are impossible to do on their more compact stages. Shimmy had us back up for Da Do Ron Ron, which John Kuhn grabbed the title and held it for our group.

Next performance Tues April 22, 2008 at Thirsty Ear.