Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fake Bacon Show at Thirsty Ear 04/08/08

(Jon C., John K, Isaiah, and Scott) Photo by Erin Prosser

Set List 4/8/08

1. Emo Party
2. Mega Replay
3. 3-Headed Jackhole
4. Presidential Debate
5. Actor's Nightmare
6. Bubblegum
7. Celebrity Advice
8. Press Conference
9. K-Tel Hit Songs
10. Old Job, New Job
11. Family Dinner
12. Song Lyrics
13. Movie Genres
14. Actor's Nightmare II
15. Irish Drinking Song
16. Da Do Ron Ron

Love Letters, Straight From My Heart!

  • Sweet-sixteen and never been Emo'd.
  • Who needs TurboTax when ya' got the Jackhole!
  • Hillary and Obama in a dance-off! If only real life were like this.
  • Tom Cruise converting to Judaism? No problem.
  • Britney Spears, Sean Connery and the late Charlton Heston all gave advice to an antler-growing bald person
  • Jodi, our special guest for family dinner, was so sweet and nice that it made it difficult to scream and yell and throw the turkey around the table.
  • Freddy Krueger's greatest hits proved to be Solid Gold for the Cheeseman.
  • Jason and Scott went mano a' mano in Da Doo Ron Ron, but Scott pulled no puces.

Next gig at Oberlin College!! Improv Til You Drop April 19th 8pm til...